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Not Dead Yet - S02E06 - Not Going Home Yet

Not Dead Yet season 2 episode 6

Not Going Home Yet

Nell is growing frustrated with Lexi and Edward’s relationship. Meanwhile, the newsroom staff pulls an all-nighter.
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Not Dead Yet / S02E06 : Not Going Home Yet
Season 2, Episode 6 | Aired on March 20, 2024 | TV-14 | 22 min. | ABC (US)
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    Not Owning It Yet
  • Not Dead Yet - Episode 2 - Not a Valentine Yet
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  • Not Dead Yet - Episode 3 - Not in the Cards Yet
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  • Not Dead Yet - Episode 4 - Not Polite Yet
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  • Not Dead Yet - Episode 5 - Not Solved Yet
    Episode 5
    Not Solved Yet
  • Not Dead Yet - Episode 6 - Not Going Home Yet
    Episode 6
    Not Going Home Yet
  • Not Dead Yet - Episode 7 - Not in the Game Yet
    Episode 7
    Not in the Game Yet
  • Not Dead Yet - Episode 8 - Not You Yet
    Episode 8
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Not Dead Yet season 2 episode 6 Recap and FAQ


Episode Summary

When Nell's morning banter with Edward about missing gummy bears turns into a full-blown investigation into the supposed murder of Andrew Michaels, a ghost claiming he was pushed down the stairs, humor and intrigue collide. As Nell, along with her colleagues, delves into a world of sensationalist newspaper policies, questionable health choices, and sleep eating, they uncover a trail of quirky clues. Their stakeout, filled with personal revelations and paranoid escapades, leads them to a surprising conclusion: Andrew's death was an accidental result of his own habits and condition, not foul play. The episode wraps up with a mix of disappointment and camaraderie, proving that sometimes, the truth is stranger and more mundane than fiction.

Full Episode S02E06 Recap

### Edward and Nell's Morning Banter - Edward is in the bathroom, and Nell is trying to get her robe or the gummy bears inside it. - They discuss the addictive nature of sugar and the health implications of eating cashew chicken for breakfast. - Nell accuses Edward of eating her leftovers, leading to a humorous exchange about sleep eating and personal habits. ### Work Interactions and Tina's Headline Challenges - At work, Nell and her colleagues discuss Lexi's dad's new sensationalist policy for the newspaper. - Tina is tasked with creating more engaging headlines, leading to humorous examples like the panda birth at the zoo. - Nell decides to talk to Tina about her approach to headlines, especially with her upcoming Easter edition. ### Andrew's Ghost and the Murder Investigation - Nell meets the ghost of Andrew Michaels, who claims he was murdered rather than dying from an accidental fall. - Andrew's past as an IRS agent and the threats he received are revealed. - Nell's interest in Andrew's story leads her to start an investigation into his death, despite it disrupting her social plans. ### The Stakeout and Investigation Deepens - Nell, along with her friend Lexi, decides to conduct a stakeout to gather more information on Andrew's death. - They discuss the peculiarities of the case, including Andrew's living habits and the mysterious circumstances of his death. - The investigation takes a humorous turn with the introduction of Dennis, who is paranoid about being followed by a murderer. ### Conclusion: The Accidental Death - The investigation concludes with the realization that Andrew's death was an accident caused by a combination of factors like his medication and physical condition. - Nell and Lexi reflect on their investigation, feeling a mix of disappointment and relief that there was no murder. - The episode ends with Nell and Lexi acknowledging their effective partnership despite the anticlimactic conclusion to their case.

Frequently Asked Questions

What prompts Nell to believe Andrew was murdered?

Andrew's ghost tells her he was pushed down the stairs, not an accidental fall.

How does the investigation into Andrew's death begin?

Nell, intrigued by Andrew's claim of being murdered, starts looking into his death with her colleague Lexi.

What is the sensationalist policy implemented at the newspaper?

Lexi's dad institutes a "if it bleeds, it leads" policy to increase readership.

Who is tasked with making the newspaper headlines more engaging?

Tina is responsible for creating spicier headlines for the newspaper's articles.

What discovery leads Nell and Lexi to conclude Andrew's death was an accident?

They find out that Andrew's death was caused by a combination of his medication's side effects and his physical condition, not murder.

How do Nell and her colleagues react to the conclusion of the investigation?

They express a mix of disappointment and relief that Andrew wasn't murdered, reflecting on their investigation efforts.

What role does Dennis play in the investigation?

Dennis becomes paranoid about being followed by a murderer, adding a humorous element to the investigation.

How does the episode depict the relationship between Nell and Edward?

Their relationship is shown through humorous and friendly banter, highlighting their close connection.

What is the main theme of the episode regarding the newspaper's editorial direction?

The episode critiques sensationalist journalism and the pressure to create engaging headlines regardless of the news' nature.

How does Andrew describe his life and career after death?

Andrew insists he was more than an accountant, claiming he was an IRS agent involved in exciting work, despite his mundane reputation.

What are the side effects of Andrew's medication that contribute to his accidental death?

The medication causes muscle spasms, blurry vision, dry skin, and dry mouth, leading to his fatal fall.

How do Nell and Lexi conduct their stakeout?

They observe from a distance, discussing the case and examining crime scene photos, showing their commitment to solving the mystery.

How does the investigation affect Nell's personal life?

The investigation disrupts Nell's social plans, including missing girls' night, showing her dedication to uncovering the truth.

What is the significance of the humorous tone throughout the episode?

The humor balances the investigation's seriousness, showcasing the characters' relationships and the absurdity of some situations.

How does the episode resolve the tension between the need for sensational news and journalistic integrity?

By concluding that Andrew's death was an accident, the episode highlights the importance of truth and integrity over sensationalism.

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